Story above all
With a focus on genre driven mid-budget features, scripted series and feature length documentaries we put story above all and ask only one question, will it entertain?

Feature – Thriller
A small outpost, the last of the desert copper mining towns, owes its survival to an aging water tower. As resources begin to dwindle a father and his young daughter must chart their own path for survival as the society around them crumbles.
Think Sunshine meets Tremors.
Production Status
Eat Spray Love
Travel Series
A follow documentary travel series centered around Los Angeles based street artist Ruben Rojas and his wife Zee as they spread their message of “Live Through Love” the world and tell the story of the art that binds us.
Think Anthony Bourdain meets Shepard Fairley – but with Love.
Production Status
In Development
Competition Reality
Remix is a competition reality show that pits music industry producers against one another in a battle to remake an existing one-hit-wonder song. While this series is immersed in the structures of a competition reality show, it elevates the vote-driven genre by shining a spotlight episode to episode on the men and women behind the boards who make the music we love to spin.
Think Songland meets Top Chef.
Production Status
In Development
Scripted Series
A story of the birth of American stockcar racing and of what happened in Atlanta, Daytona, and a handful of smaller southern towns when Moonshine and the automobile collided.
Think Empire meets Days of Thunder.
Production Status
Series Bible
Political Thriller
An unexpected death and a cryptic note lead a series of conspiracy theorists deeper into the world of disinformation raising the question, could it all be true?
Think Pelican Brief meets 3 Days of the Condor.
Production Status
In Development
Feature – Thriller
An enterprising reporter ventures into the jungles of South America to profile an enigmatic leader and his efforts to build a utopian society free of the trappings of modern life only to find herself struggling to balance faith with what lies right in front of her eyes.
Think Midsommar meets The Endless.